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  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)
    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE)

    Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE): Optimieren Sie Ihren Kundendienst In der heutigen Geschäftswelt ist ein effizienter und reaktionsschneller Kundendienst entscheidend für den Erfolg. Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) bietet Unternehmen eine leistungsstarke Plattform, um den Kundenservice auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Diese umfassende Lösung nutzt KI-gestützte Tools und integrierte Funktionen, um Ihre Serviceprozesse zu transformieren, die Produktivität Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu steigern und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden zu maximieren. Vorteile von Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise (NCE) Effiziente Problemlösung: Nutzen Sie Copilot in Dynamics 365, um Probleme schnell zu diagnostizieren, zu beheben und maßgeschneiderte Antworten für Ihre Kunden zu erstellen. Optimierte Agent-Unterstützung: Verbessern Sie die Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Agents mit Funktionen wie Standpunktanalyse, automatischen Übersetzungen und KI-gestützten Knowledge-Artikeln. Erhöhte First-Call-Lösungsrate: Steigern Sie die Anzahl erfolgreich gelöster Anfragen beim ersten Kontakt durch KI-basiertes Routing, das Anfragen an den bestgeeigneten Agent weiterleitet. Integration und Zusammenarbeit: Vernetzen Sie Experten, die ähnliche Fälle gelöst haben, und ermöglichen Sie eine effiziente Zusammenarbeit über Microsoft Teams. Selbstbedienungsoptionen für Ihre Kunden Echtzeit-Problemlösung: Setzen Sie KI-gesteuerte, konversationsorientierte Bots ein, um Kundenprobleme in Echtzeit zu lösen. Automatisierte Interaktionen: Beschleunigen Sie die Problemlösung durch menschenähnliche, generative KI-gestützte Sprachantworten. Erhöhte Produktivität: Automatisieren Sie Routineaufgaben und komplexe Transaktionen, um den Arbeitsaufwand Ihrer Agents zu reduzieren. Community-Portale: Fördern Sie den Wissensaustausch und die Zusammenarbeit durch personalisierte Portale für Kunden und Mitarbeiter. Optimierung der Serviceabläufe Omnichannel Insights: Greifen Sie auf ein zentrales Dashboard zu, das KI-gesteuerte Analysen und KPIs für alle Kanäle zusammenführt. Trend- und Performanceanalyse: Erkennen Sie neue Trends und identifizieren Sie Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten in Support-Prozessen und Interaktionen. Automatisierung von Prozessen: Ersetzen Sie manuelle Abläufe durch mehr als 1.000 vorgefertigte Flows und benutzerdefinierte Datenkonnektoren. Vorausschauende Planung: Nutzen Sie Vorhersageberichte, um Personalbedarf basierend auf Saisonalität und Gesprächsvolumen zu planen. Kosteneffizienz: Senken Sie die Betriebskosten durch die Nutzung vorhandener Funktionen und die Integration mit anderen Geschäftsanwendungen. Kundenerreichung über bevorzugte Kanäle Skalierbare Telefonsysteme: Richten Sie schnell Telefonsysteme auf einer Microsoft-geführten Plattform ein, die eine zuverlässige Kundenunterstützung ermöglicht. Multikanal-Support: Bieten Sie schnellen Service über E-Mail, SMS, soziale Netzwerke oder virtuelle Assistenten – wo auch immer Ihre Kunden sind. Echtzeitübersetzung: Kommunizieren Sie effektiv in der Sprache Ihrer Kunden dank integrierter Echtzeitübersetzungen. Emotionserkennung und Routing: Leiten Sie Kundenanfragen basierend auf deren Emotionen und Bedürfnissen an den passenden Agenten weiter. Vergleichstabelle Merkmale Dynamics 365 Kundenservice Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium Fallmanagement ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Wissensmanagement (einschließlich Wissenserstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft 365-Interoperabilität ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Unbegrenzte Anzahl benannter Benutzer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leads (nur Erstellung) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Power BI ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Microsoft Teams-Integration ✔️ ✔️ Copilot im Dynamics 365 Customer Service ✔️ ✔️ Eingebettete Intelligenz ✔️ ✔️ Multisession-Unterstützung ✔️ ✔️ Einheitliches Routing ✔️ ✔️ Analyse und KPI-Berichte ✔️ ✔️ Prognose und Terminplanung ✔️ ✔️ Portale ✔️ ✔️ Benutzerdefinierte Anwendungen (Microsoft Power Apps) ✔️ ✔️ Workflow-Automatisierung (Microsoft Power Automate) ✔️ ✔️ Dynamics 365 Kontaktcenter ✔️ Self-Service-Chatbots und IVR ✔️ Live- und dauerhafter Chat über Messaging- und soziale Kanäle ✔️ Sprachkanal mit Inbound-Routing, Gesprächszusammenfassung und Outbound-Anrufen ✔️

    Preis: 771.07 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License
    Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License

    Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 Buy User CAL It is not only possible to access graphical desktops and Windows applications directly on site. Thanks to Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are also numerous possibilities for remote control and working on an extremely flexible solution. But what exactly are the advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL to increase technical security? The appropriate access licenses for the system To use the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALon the existing Windows Server, the correct access licenses are required. The classic server licenses are not sufficient at this point, which is why you should pay attention to the allocation to the server when purchasing additional licenses. At this point a distinction must also be made between User and Device CALs. The User CALs included in this offer can be assigned to exactly one user. This enables the user to work flexibly and to access the settings and the server from different devices. Thus, all details on the server can be changed within the shortest possible time, so that control over the structures and applications can be maintained at all times. More security with the right license The Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALallows all existing services to be activated for a user, for example, to print stored files or to adjust the file storage. The number of linked Devicesis irrelevant here, so that the person with access can always access the functions and applications in the form of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This way, the settings around the licenses are specialized for one person, so that no third parties can access the contents of the server. More security is hardly possible on this basis. The advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL Simple administration of own server systems Structured access by one person Maximum security thanks to clear traceability Clear overview of existing tasks Can be used with specific licenses and easily adapted One-time purchase for permanent server protection Buy the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALnow With the offers available in our shop it is not difficult to choose the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This simplifies the personalized administration of the server and makes the entire process of adjustments structured and comprehensible. In conjunction with the appropriate license, the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALcan be purchased to get started with the system within minutes and rely on high quality. So nothing stands in the way of a modern and goal-oriented server administration. What is really important What exactly are CALs? CALs are computer-protected procurement and life-cycle support. In this way, a server can be accessed to make adjustments and keep a close eye on the security of the application. Depending on the selection of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are then different functions for use. How long does the license remain valid? There is no fixed term for the licenses we offer. Once purchased, the licenses can be used permanently without having to pay again in monthly or annual intervals. This makes it much easier to maintain your own safety thanks to the CALs. How do CAL and license fit together? To benefit from a successful application, the appropriate CALs must be selected for the respective server. For example, there is a special license for the Windows Server 2016, which allows the full use of the acquired systems afterwards. Scope of delivery: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, 1 CAL Invoice in your name incl. VAT. Instructions for easy installation. This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label).

    Preis: 202.32 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License
    Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License

    Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 Buy User CAL It is not only possible to access graphical desktops and Windows applications directly on site. Thanks to Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are also numerous possibilities for remote control and working on an extremely flexible solution. But what exactly are the advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL to increase technical security? The appropriate access licenses for the system To use the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALon the existing Windows Server, the correct access licenses are required. The classic server licenses are not sufficient at this point, which is why you should pay attention to the allocation to the server when purchasing additional licenses. At this point a distinction must also be made between User and Device CALs. The User CALs included in this offer can be assigned to exactly one user. This enables the user to work flexibly and to access the settings and the server from different devices. Thus, all details on the server can be changed within the shortest possible time, so that control over the structures and applications can be maintained at all times. More security with the right license The Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALallows all existing services to be activated for a user, for example, to print stored files or to adjust the file storage. The number of linked Devicesis irrelevant here, so that the person with access can always access the functions and applications in the form of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This way, the settings around the licenses are specialized for one person, so that no third parties can access the contents of the server. More security is hardly possible on this basis. The advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL Simple administration of own server systems Structured access by one person Maximum security thanks to clear traceability Clear overview of existing tasks Can be used with specific licenses and easily adapted One-time purchase for permanent server protection Buy the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALnow With the offers available in our shop it is not difficult to choose the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This simplifies the personalized administration of the server and makes the entire process of adjustments structured and comprehensible. In conjunction with the appropriate license, the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALcan be purchased to get started with the system within minutes and rely on high quality. So nothing stands in the way of a modern and goal-oriented server administration. What is really important What exactly are CALs? CALs are computer-protected procurement and life-cycle support. In this way, a server can be accessed to make adjustments and keep a close eye on the security of the application. Depending on the selection of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are then different functions for use. How long does the license remain valid? There is no fixed term for the licenses we offer. Once purchased, the licenses can be used permanently without having to pay again in monthly or annual intervals. This makes it much easier to maintain your own safety thanks to the CALs. How do CAL and license fit together? To benefit from a successful application, the appropriate CALs must be selected for the respective server. For example, there is a special license for the Windows Server 2016, which allows the full use of the acquired systems afterwards. Scope of delivery: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, 1 CAL Invoice in your name incl. VAT. Instructions for easy installation. This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label).

    Preis: 404.67 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License
    Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License

    Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 Buy User CAL It is not only possible to access graphical desktops and Windows applications directly on site. Thanks to Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are also numerous possibilities for remote control and working on an extremely flexible solution. But what exactly are the advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL to increase technical security? The appropriate access licenses for the system To use the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALon the existing Windows Server, the correct access licenses are required. The classic server licenses are not sufficient at this point, which is why you should pay attention to the allocation to the server when purchasing additional licenses. At this point a distinction must also be made between User and Device CALs. The User CALs included in this offer can be assigned to exactly one user. This enables the user to work flexibly and to access the settings and the server from different devices. Thus, all details on the server can be changed within the shortest possible time, so that control over the structures and applications can be maintained at all times. More security with the right license The Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALallows all existing services to be activated for a user, for example, to print stored files or to adjust the file storage. The number of linked Devicesis irrelevant here, so that the person with access can always access the functions and applications in the form of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This way, the settings around the licenses are specialized for one person, so that no third parties can access the contents of the server. More security is hardly possible on this basis. The advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL Simple administration of own server systems Structured access by one person Maximum security thanks to clear traceability Clear overview of existing tasks Can be used with specific licenses and easily adapted One-time purchase for permanent server protection Buy the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALnow With the offers available in our shop it is not difficult to choose the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This simplifies the personalized administration of the server and makes the entire process of adjustments structured and comprehensible. In conjunction with the appropriate license, the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALcan be purchased to get started with the system within minutes and rely on high quality. So nothing stands in the way of a modern and goal-oriented server administration. What is really important What exactly are CALs? CALs are computer-protected procurement and life-cycle support. In this way, a server can be accessed to make adjustments and keep a close eye on the security of the application. Depending on the selection of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are then different functions for use. How long does the license remain valid? There is no fixed term for the licenses we offer. Once purchased, the licenses can be used permanently without having to pay again in monthly or annual intervals. This makes it much easier to maintain your own safety thanks to the CALs. How do CAL and license fit together? To benefit from a successful application, the appropriate CALs must be selected for the respective server. For example, there is a special license for the Windows Server 2016, which allows the full use of the acquired systems afterwards. Scope of delivery: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, 1 CAL Invoice in your name incl. VAT. Instructions for easy installation. This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label).

    Preis: 43.33 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Windows Server Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License
    Microsoft Windows Server Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, RDS CAL, Client Access License

    Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 Buy User CAL It is not only possible to access graphical desktops and Windows applications directly on site. Thanks to Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are also numerous possibilities for remote control and working on an extremely flexible solution. But what exactly are the advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL to increase technical security? The appropriate access licenses for the system To use the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALon the existing Windows Server, the correct access licenses are required. The classic server licenses are not sufficient at this point, which is why you should pay attention to the allocation to the server when purchasing additional licenses. At this point a distinction must also be made between User and Device CALs. The User CALs included in this offer can be assigned to exactly one user. This enables the user to work flexibly and to access the settings and the server from different devices. Thus, all details on the server can be changed within the shortest possible time, so that control over the structures and applications can be maintained at all times. More security with the right license The Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALallows all existing services to be activated for a user, for example, to print stored files or to adjust the file storage. The number of linked Devicesis irrelevant here, so that the person with access can always access the functions and applications in the form of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This way, the settings around the licenses are specialized for one person, so that no third parties can access the contents of the server. More security is hardly possible on this basis. The advantages of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL Simple administration of own server systems Structured access by one person Maximum security thanks to clear traceability Clear overview of existing tasks Can be used with specific licenses and easily adapted One-time purchase for permanent server protection Buy the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALnow With the offers available in our shop it is not difficult to choose the right Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL. This simplifies the personalized administration of the server and makes the entire process of adjustments structured and comprehensible. In conjunction with the appropriate license, the Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CALcan be purchased to get started with the system within minutes and rely on high quality. So nothing stands in the way of a modern and goal-oriented server administration. What is really important What exactly are CALs? CALs are computer-protected procurement and life-cycle support. In this way, a server can be accessed to make adjustments and keep a close eye on the security of the application. Depending on the selection of Microsoft WindowsServer Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, there are then different functions for use. How long does the license remain valid? There is no fixed term for the licenses we offer. Once purchased, the licenses can be used permanently without having to pay again in monthly or annual intervals. This makes it much easier to maintain your own safety thanks to the CALs. How do CAL and license fit together? To benefit from a successful application, the appropriate CALs must be selected for the respective server. For example, there is a special license for the Windows Server 2016, which allows the full use of the acquired systems afterwards. Scope of delivery: Microsoft Remote Desktop Services 2016 User CAL, 1 CAL Invoice in your name incl. VAT. Instructions for easy installation. This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label).

    Preis: 43.33 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Windows Server 2022 External Connector
    Windows Server 2022 External Connector

    Windows Server 2022 External Connector: Maximum flexibility for your company Give your company unlimited access with the Windows Server 2022 External Connector . This permanent license offers a cost-effective way to grant numerous external users or devices access to the server software. Specifically designed for organizations with many external users such as customers, partners, contractors or consultants, this connector significantly reduces administrative overhead and provides high flexibility for fluctuating user numbers. Unlimited access and cost efficiency The Windows Server 2022 External Connector offers an economical solution for managing access for external users. Instead of purchasing individual CAL licenses (Client Access Licenses), this license allows your company to provide access rights to unlimited external users or Devices, streamlining processes and reducing costs. Efficient licensing for external users To access the Windows Server software, you need a Client Access License (CAL). The External Connector is specifically designed to give external users access to the server software without the need for individual licenses. This makes it particularly useful for companies with a large or variable number of external users. User(s) CAL external Connector : A license that is assigned to a user and allows access from any Device on which Windows Server is installed. Device CAL : A license that is assigned to a specific Device and allows access only from this Device. External Connector: A license that grants external users access to the server software without the need for individual licenses. These licensing options offer flexibility and adaptability to meet the different needs of your business. Strong security features for your protection Windows Server 2022 offers a wide range of security enhancements that ensure comprehensive protection against advanced threats. Advanced multi-layered security ensures that your Server is well protected. Innovations by Secured-Core-Server The Secured-Core - Server from Windows Server 2022 offer additional security measures against sophisticated attacks. With hardware-based trust, TPM 2.0 and advanced security protocols, companies can effectively protect their critical data. Secure connections as Standard Secure your communications with HTTPS and TLS 1.3 , which are enabled by default in Windows Server 2022. These protocols ensure encrypted connections and protect your data from potential eavesdropping and manipulation attempts. Powerful application platform for modern companies Windows Server 2022 offers a flexible application platform that supports large applications with up to 48 TB of memory, 64 sockets and 2048 logical cores. This capacity enables organizations to seamlessly handle critical workloads. Improved container technology The platform includes numerous improvements for Windows containers, such as improved application compatibility and an optimized Kubernetes experience. This includes up to 40% smaller image size and 30% faster boot time, providing superior performance for your applications. Support for Intel Ice Lake processors Windows Server 2022 is optimized for Intel Ice Lake processors and supports enterprise applications such as SQL Server that require extensive resources. With up to 48 TB of memory and 2048 logical cores, the platform meets the requirements of complex and powerful applications. Why the Windows Server 2022 External Connector is the ideal choice The Microsoft Windows Server External Connector covers the access of all external users to a physical Windows Server with a single license. There is no distinction between User(s) and device for External Connector licenses. While CALs apply to all Server in the company, the Windows External Connector is always linked to a specific Server. An Windows Server External Connector must be purchased for each Server whose services are used by external users. An advantage for companies with many external users External users are people who are not employed by the company or associated partners and do not receive hosted services from the company. Alternatively, CAL licenses can be purchased for external users, as with internal users. This is the most cost-effective option for a small, manageable number of users. However, for many external users or a number that cannot be precisely determined, External Connector licenses are the better choice. Remember that External Connector licenses are server-bound and may be required for multiple Server. System requirements Component Requirement Processor 64-bit processor with at least 1.4 GHz RAM At least 512 MB RAM (ECC type or similar technology) Hard disk space At least 32 GB free disk space Network Gigabit Ethernet adapter Firmware UEFI 2.3.1c-based system and firmware with Secure Boot Graphics Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher resolution

    Preis: 1964.23 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • ViaCAD 12 2D
    ViaCAD 12 2D

    Incredibly powerful 2D drafting and design software Powerful 2D Drafting and Design Software Create Architectural Drawings Easy to use ViaCAD 2D includes over 275 drawing and editing tools. NEW! Design and comment updates NEW! Improved usability NEW! Interoperability updates Design in the blink of an eye with ViaCAD® 2D. Create professional computer drawings, floor plans, landscapes, diagrams, production-ready schematics and more with our robust, easy-to-use CAD software. All you need is an idea and ViaCAD. ViaCAD 2D is ideal for beginners, do-it-yourselfers, interior designers, carpenters, handymen, and do-it-yourselfers who want to create accurate CAD designs for architecture, mechanical, electrical, furniture, or any other project that requires flat, two-dimensional construction drawings. EASY-TO-USE AND INCREDIBLY POWERFUL 2D DRAWING AND DESIGN SOFTWARE . ViaCAD 2D is the perfect introduction for anyone who is new to CAD software or simply wants to create two-dimensional designs, plans and drawings. We offer over 275 drawing tools to do all the work for you. The software is suitable for small budgets, yet powerful enough to handle large projects. WITH VIACAD 2D YOU CAN CREATE PROJECTS LIKE Architectural drawings Redesign plans Floor plans Interior layout Landscaping plans Electrical diagrams Mechanical designs DIY Projects Model inventions Technical graphics and illustrations Compatibility and file sharing ViaCAD software works well with other programs. ViaCAD is compatible with AutoCAD® and offers up-to-date DWG import and export capabilities. This allows your team to collaborate without everyone having to use the same CAD software. ViaCAD also supports more than a dozen popular CAD and graphics formats, so you can provide files that can be opened and modified by users of other popular design software. In our latest version (version 12), you can import PDF and Adobe Illustrator files and import/export SketchUp 2019 and Collada files. ViaCAD offers compatibility with AutoCAD® DWG files. DXF/DWG versions from R12 to 2020 STL import/export Import from Adobe Illustrator®. PDF import SketchUp 2020 import/export ColladaTM (DAE) Import/Export Full support for metric and imperial units Features VIACAD 2D COMPRISES OVER 275 DRAWING AND EDITING TOOLS. Create precision drawings with the standard tools you're used to and some innovative tools you'll absolutely love. Each drawing tool offers multiple options for creating objects in your designs. Powerful tools like rectangular and polar (circular) grids help you create more precise and complex designs. A full range of wrapping options are available for modifications. With the built-in Region Trim feature, you can do in one click what takes dozens of steps with most programs. Points, Lines, Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, Splines Geometric and dimensional 2D constraints to manage geometric relationships between 2D shapes The drawing tools provide several methods for Copy/move, scale, rotate, mirror and stretch. Rectangular grid with X and Y control Polar grid with adjustable angles and distances Cutting tools include cutting, flaring, and breaking. Adjustable fillet and chamfer And much more! INTUITIVE DESIGN AND MACHINING TOOLS Accurate design is easy with ViaCAD! We designed it to be user-friendly and intuitive. The LogiCursorTM anticipates your next action and guides your cursor to possible point selections in the drawing. The Gripper provides drag-and-drop functionality for easy design editing. Customizable grids make everything even easier by allowing precise drag-and-drop in rectangular, polar (circular) and isometric layouts. DIMENSION DESIGNS AND DIMENSIONS ViaCAD 2D is a robust design documentation tool with over 20 customizable dimension styles, including standard dimension formats. Want to import a 3D model you created in other software to document in ViaCAD 2D? With our Auto 3D to 2D feature, you can create multiple 2D views. Other interesting features will help you document and annotate your projects: 26-dimensional styles Import of bitmaps for logos and reference images Spell check adds another level of accuracy. One-click filling and hatching ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ELEMENTS ViaCAD 2D lets you create building drawings and room plans to scale. For example, custom walls are drawn using thicknesses for the various components, allowing you to represent actual wall sizes and the dimensions of the materials that make up the walls. Other notable architectural design features include: Walls are automatically cut at intersections. Individual wall elements allow visual distinction between interior and exterior walls. Intelligent "drag and drop" insertion of doors and windows. Instant architectural detail with automatic sizing or custom labels for doors and windows with captions. New Features DESIGN AND COMMENT UPDATES BETTER FIT LINE AND CIRCLE Excellent for drawing precise curves on rough sketches. Use this tool to best fit a line or circ...

    Preis: 72.23 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • ViaCAD 12 2D
    ViaCAD 12 2D

    Incredibly powerful 2D drafting and design software Powerful 2D Drafting and Design Software Create Architectural Drawings Easy to use ViaCAD 2D includes over 275 drawing and editing tools. NEW! Design and comment updates NEW! Improved usability NEW! Interoperability updates Design in the blink of an eye with ViaCAD® 2D. Create professional computer drawings, floor plans, landscapes, diagrams, production-ready schematics and more with our robust, easy-to-use CAD software. All you need is an idea and ViaCAD. ViaCAD 2D is ideal for beginners, do-it-yourselfers, interior designers, carpenters, handymen, and do-it-yourselfers who want to create accurate CAD designs for architecture, mechanical, electrical, furniture, or any other project that requires flat, two-dimensional construction drawings. EASY-TO-USE AND INCREDIBLY POWERFUL 2D DRAWING AND DESIGN SOFTWARE . ViaCAD 2D is the perfect introduction for anyone who is new to CAD software or simply wants to create two-dimensional designs, plans and drawings. We offer over 275 drawing tools to do all the work for you. The software is suitable for small budgets, yet powerful enough to handle large projects. WITH VIACAD 2D YOU CAN CREATE PROJECTS LIKE Architectural drawings Redesign plans Floor plans Interior layout Landscaping plans Electrical diagrams Mechanical designs DIY Projects Model inventions Technical graphics and illustrations Compatibility and file sharing ViaCAD software works well with other programs. ViaCAD is compatible with AutoCAD® and offers up-to-date DWG import and export capabilities. This allows your team to collaborate without everyone having to use the same CAD software. ViaCAD also supports more than a dozen popular CAD and graphics formats, so you can provide files that can be opened and modified by users of other popular design software. In our latest version (version 12), you can import PDF and Adobe Illustrator files and import/export SketchUp 2019 and Collada files. ViaCAD offers compatibility with AutoCAD® DWG files. DXF/DWG versions from R12 to 2020 STL import/export Import from Adobe Illustrator®. PDF import SketchUp 2020 import/export ColladaTM (DAE) Import/Export Full support for metric and imperial units Features VIACAD 2D COMPRISES OVER 275 DRAWING AND EDITING TOOLS. Create precision drawings with the standard tools you're used to and some innovative tools you'll absolutely love. Each drawing tool offers multiple options for creating objects in your designs. Powerful tools like rectangular and polar (circular) grids help you create more precise and complex designs. A full range of wrapping options are available for modifications. With the built-in Region Trim feature, you can do in one click what takes dozens of steps with most programs. Points, Lines, Arcs, Circles, Ellipses, Splines Geometric and dimensional 2D constraints to manage geometric relationships between 2D shapes The drawing tools provide several methods for Copy/move, scale, rotate, mirror and stretch. Rectangular grid with X and Y control Polar grid with adjustable angles and distances Cutting tools include cutting, flaring, and breaking. Adjustable fillet and chamfer And much more! INTUITIVE DESIGN AND MACHINING TOOLS Accurate design is easy with ViaCAD! We designed it to be user-friendly and intuitive. The LogiCursorTM anticipates your next action and guides your cursor to possible point selections in the drawing. The Gripper provides drag-and-drop functionality for easy design editing. Customizable grids make everything even easier by allowing precise drag-and-drop in rectangular, polar (circular) and isometric layouts. DIMENSION DESIGNS AND DIMENSIONS ViaCAD 2D is a robust design documentation tool with over 20 customizable dimension styles, including standard dimension formats. Want to import a 3D model you created in other software to document in ViaCAD 2D? With our Auto 3D to 2D feature, you can create multiple 2D views. Other interesting features will help you document and annotate your projects: 26-dimensional styles Import of bitmaps for logos and reference images Spell check adds another level of accuracy. One-click filling and hatching ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ELEMENTS ViaCAD 2D lets you create building drawings and room plans to scale. For example, custom walls are drawn using thicknesses for the various components, allowing you to represent actual wall sizes and the dimensions of the materials that make up the walls. Other notable architectural design features include: Walls are automatically cut at intersections. Individual wall elements allow visual distinction between interior and exterior walls. Intelligent "drag and drop" insertion of doors and windows. Instant architectural detail with automatic sizing or custom labels for doors and windows with captions. New Features DESIGN AND COMMENT UPDATES BETTER FIT LINE AND CIRCLE Excellent for drawing precise curves on rough sketches. Use this tool to best fit a line or circ...

    Preis: 72.23 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard, 1 User CAL
    Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard, 1 User CAL

    Buy Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CAL Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALapplications are a good choice for optimizing and setting up functional database management. Especially the flexibility of the implementation has been optimized, so that different data types, development languages and designs can be linked together better. But what else does the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALoffer and what solutions are included in the database management? Increasing services around the server The numerous improvements in implementation from Yearto Yearmean that diversity continues to increase. In addition to the optimization of security standards, users are offered numerous new functions to help them choose the right application at any time. This means that the programs can be tailored to your own wishes, making the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALan effective tool at all times. This leaves users free to choose between different development languages in order to act flexibly and extremely modern. High security and user-friendliness The concrete measures for programme security also improve every year. These do not make the user-bound system difficult and can be easily linked to existing implementations. As an officially licensed product from Microsoft, our existing package offers all new functions and manages to meet the expectations of the users. In the area of user-friendliness, it is evident that the systems are suitable both for individual applications and for use within the company. Due to continuous development, regular improvements are evident, making the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALa secure solution for every user. This enables an individual application that helps each company to meet the technical requirements. You can rely on these advantages! Technically secure implementation Can be combined in a variety of ways and used systematically Suitable for both private and business purposes User-oriented access to all systems Latest functions thanks to fundamental optimization Easy to integrate license model The most important functions at a glance Thanks to the numerous functions of the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CAL, it is possible to fall back on a successful software solution and use a technically secure application. A distinction is made between scalar functions, ranking functions, aggregate and rowset functions, and analytical functions. Each type of function offers different advantages in this respect, in order to be secured in a project-oriented manner and to benefit from a completely new orientation. Thanks to the expandability and flexible use of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CAL, it is no problem to expand and adapt the system as required. User-oriented and up to date The design for the users themselves offers additional freedom, as the reduction is not due to the Deviceitself. Thus, a license is purchased for one user, who in turn can access the server via various Devices. This makes it much easier to maintain full control and always know where access is located. For this reason, it is also worth considering for larger companies to purchase several Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALsystems and thus adjust to the fixed number of users. Buy Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALnow With such a system the IT in the company can be fundamentally improved. If you want to rely on a wide range of functions and a technically sound solution, you are on the safe side with Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CAL. Thanks to the corresponding interfaces, it is not difficult to ensure individual and perfectly aligned adaptation and to meet all expectations. You can buy the appropriate Microsoft SQL Server 2017 User CALdirectly from us, so that you are always on the safe side in the future. Server licence The SQL Server license must be assigned to a single server. This server license entitles you to run one instance of the SQL Server software on the licensed server, either in a physical or virtual operating system environment. User CAL: A user CAL entitles a specific user to use any number of devices, such as a company PC, private PC, mobile phone, etc., from which he or she may access the server software. You should select this license type if a user not only accesses the corresponding server with one Deviceand, for example, uses his smartphone in addition to his PC to retrieve e-mails or uses a tablet as a secondary device. The same applies if employees are given the opportunity to use their private Devicesand log on to the network with them. Language : Single Language, EnglishVersion: Microsoft Microsoft WindowsStandard 1x Standard Product activation note & installation information: You receive your license (transfer of rights) for the purchased Microsoft product. A product key or license key is not required for this licensing. The proof is legally valid in the form of the delivery note.

    Preis: 75.85 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus
    Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus

    Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus - the all-rounder from Office If you want to have access to the complete package of Office 2021, you are on the safe side with Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus . This version offers access to all the essential tools and functions that are important for professional work. Especially in comparison to the last version, Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus has been able to make significant technical improvements. This makes it easy to work with many exciting improvements and new help. Numerous new functions for optimal use Even though Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus has basically only been adapted and revised on a smaller scale, there are many new details. This applies, for example, to technical values such as the performance of the application, which is now significantly better. Should you want to use Office 2021 professionally, the technical revisions will quickly become a significant advantage. Complementary to this, however, Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus also allows you to rely on many technical aspects. This is true, for example, of laser tracking for recorded PowerPoint presentations. Excel has also seen many new benefits with the XLOOKUP and Dynamic Arrays features that simplify spreadsheets. So the new version is also all about improving the many existing content. These individual applications are included in Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus But what exactly can you expect with the new Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus ? In order to give you a complete overview, we have once again presented the basic functions in detail. This makes it easy to distinguish the individual applications more precisely and to see what you need for your daily work. So you can rely on the following versions: Word Clearly formatted and unambiguous texts can be created in no time with Word. This makes it easy to use Word for professional documents and to point out all important details. Tables, images and much more can also always be integrated. Excel Precisely calculated tables are becoming an important principle in many industries. Therefore, Excel is an important basic program for many businesses, which can also be used with Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus. Especially the new functions become an advantage. PowerPoint Unique and individually planned presentations can be created with PowerPoint. Here, too, you basically do not need any new experience, but can work intuitively and directly on exciting presentations. For school, university and profession PowerPoint becomes very important. OneNote Taking notes in this day and age does not necessarily still require a pen and paper. With OneNote, new notes can be made flexibly without losing the structure. This makes it easy to take notes spontaneously on the go and to collect them well. Publisher Publisher is just the right application for creating modern layouts and diverse graphic designs. It makes it easy for you to access numerous templates and design options for your projects. Try Publisher for yourself as part of Office 2021. Access When it comes to making and using databases, Access becomes a very practical solution. Even without experience in programming, you can get started with Access. It is ideally suited for private projects as well as business. Outlook For the smooth organization of your mails Outlook becomes a compact simplification. The mail program has been an integral part of Microsoft Office for many years. With Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus, you can also expect the necessary comfort on your PC. Microsoft Teams as an aid for smooth links Also very exciting is the integration of Microsoft Teams, which has made it much easier to collaborate with other users. Especially in conjunction with Windows 11 , it is easy to use Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus collaboratively. This is not only made possible by the newly integrated video conferences, but also by the joint work on individual documents. In addition, the individual files can be accessed at any time and from any location via the cloud. This makes Microsoft Teams in the new Office a good replacement for the previous Skype. The difference between Microsoft Office 2021 Professional and Plus In addition to the content presented, many users are wondering how Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus and Microsoft Office 2021 Professional differ in detail. Most of the time, the distinction between Standard and Professional is quite simple. However, when it comes to the difference between the two Professional versions, our handy table will help: Office 2021 Professional Office 2021 Professional Plus Availability of all basic programs Yes Yes Link to volume licenses No Yes Automatic update control No Yes Microsoft Teams integration Yes Yes Advanced Business Intelligence No Yes Commercial use possible ...

    Preis: 195.09 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Franzis Pure HDR
    Franzis Pure HDR

    Franzis Pure HDR Pure plug-in Also supports RAW data Much more precise and accurate than Photoshop Brilliant ghost image correction For Windows and Mac Pure HDR is the tool for all HDR professionals who want to spectacularly showcase fascinating details with the complete light and color spectrum. As a plug-in extension, Pure HDR works with the full 32-bit HDR functionality of the award-winning Franzis HDR-projects series directly in Lightroom® and Photoshop®. Create 32-bit TIFFs for Adobe® Photoshop® & Lightroom® software All images of an exposure series are converted to a true 32-bit HDR image by one of the 7 HDR algorithms, including pixel accurate alignment and impressive ghost correction. After one click, you can continue working in the familiar environment of Lightroom® or Photoshop®. This 32-bit HDR now contains the full light information of the exposure series with incredible detail in shadows, highlights, and colors. Pure HDR turns Lightroom and Photoshop into an HDR engine Pure HDR is the answer for those who are excited about the undisputed advantages of HDR photography - unprecedented light spectrum, most natural colors, all details in depths and highlights - but don't want to break away from Lightroom, Photoshop and Co. HIGHLIGHTS State of the Art 32-bit HDR Ultra-HDR 7 HDR algorithms World best alignment function New interactive ghost correction Works with RAW/ TIFF/JPG Pure HDR is a plugin extension that ports the full 32-bit HDR functionality of the award-winning Franzis HDR-projects series into Lightroom and Photoshop. In the plug-in, up to a maximum of 33 images of an exposure series are combined by one of the 7 HDR algorithms to form a true 32-bit HDR image, including pixel-perfect alignment and impressive ghost image correction. All further steps in image development can be done in Lightroom or Photoshop as usual. Seven special 7 HDR algorithms for different image requirements Pure HDR can do more than just superimpose images. Special self-developed HDR algorithms ensure that the image information is perfectly combined and matched to the respective subject. Just as every motif requires a certain picture style, HDR pictures will only be perfect if they have been assembled with a matching HDR algorithm. Average: The simplest form of HDR generation and forms the average value from the exposure series images. Entropy : In information theory, entropy is a measure of information density. When applied to HDR generation, an algorithm results which measures the information density of the exposure series images per pixel and converts it into weights for HDR generation. The result is a very stable method that is set as the standard algorithm for PURE HDR. Colour mix: The colour mix method uses the colour components of the pixels as a measure for the weighting and is particularly suitable for exposure series with a small difference in brightness in partial areas, such as fog, smoke or cloud images. Logarithmic Luminance: This algorithm works with the logarithmic brightness (luminance). This corresponds approximately to the brightness perception of the human eye - this makes this algorithm very suitable for most exposure series. Absolute Distance : A very powerful HDR fusion algorithm that combines two essential properties: With HDR smoothing deactivated, the HDR images are free of halos and in addition brightness breaks are avoided. Luminance Sharpness: In the Luminance Sharpness procedure, the sharpness of the luminance (brightness) is determined per pixel and converted into a weighting. In this way, the areas with the best detail drawing in HDR fusion are obtained. Repro-Neutral: This procedure is especially optimized for exposure series of scanned image data in normal lighting situations. High-precision alignment The user can influence how the individual images of the exposure series are superimposed on each other. Fine movements of objects, unintentional zooming and rotation of the camera can be taken into account. Unique: A distinction is made between motive movements, camera movements and zoom. Ghost image correction PURE HDR features high-precision ghost image correction that filters out moving objects or people that move within the exposure bracket, i.e. appear in different places in the individual images. A special procedure is the detail forecast: It attempts to predict movements within the exposure series and thus to remove the ghost images in a more targeted manner. PURE HDR uses a newly developed, intelligent adjustment to living beings, landscape, architecture and sport. Ultra-HDR for even greater image accuracy If Franzis does not define a new HDR standard, then who does? Since 10 years we are specialists in super-realistic HDR image development, reason enough to go one step further. Our latest development is called Ultra-HDR and the name says it all. HDR images have never been more realistic, rich in contrast and detail. This is ensured by the exclusive 64-bit HDR engine fro...

    Preis: 36.10 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Audials Music 2021
    Audials Music 2021

    Audials Music 2021 With Audials Music 2021, you get music from even more services , faster , easier and in top quality . The new design and powerful media manager round out the experience. Discover all the new features: Spotify Amazon Music YouTube A new interface makes it easier than ever to download music. Simply drag and drop your songs, albums or playlists into Audials and they're stored for you at 30x speed. Or listen to it on the music streaming service - Audials stores it all. All settings are automatically optimized, but can be changed at any time. SUPER-HIGH SPEED Amazon Music Spotify The download speed automatically adjusts to the performance of your PC. Improved drag-and-drop mode and background recording let you record music up to 30 times faster than real time. Audials 2021 downloads music more than twice as fast as its predecessor! You can now download an hour of music in two minutes. The result: perfectly cut and labeled music files, error-free, faster than ever before . BEST QUALITY - OPTIMAL BITRATE IN THE DESIRED FORMAT Spotify Amazon Music Deezer Tidal For you as a user it becomes much easier: Audio files are simply recorded by any service and for any output format, always automatically with the optimal format settings. The format in which music titles are stored is much easier to select directly in Audials 2021. You simply choose a standard format such as MP3, AAC, WMA or a high-resolution audio format such as FLAC and WAV. For example, services like Tidal, Amazon and Deezer, which stream without quality loss, are automatically recorded in optimal quality, while music from other sources is recorded in a standard format. A particularly welcome improvement is that Audials now knows the optimum bit rate for all important streaming services for all output formats. For example, you specify "Amazon as MP3 in high quality", and Audials generates MP3s with 320kbit/s. However, if you switch to M4A, 256kbit/s M4A will be generated instead, because Audials knows that this allows more efficient encoding. FIND, LOAD AND PLAY MUSIC IN PLAYLISTS FASTER Now you can search Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud, Vimeo, Veoh and Amazon Music in the music search. So you can find really all music from all providers immediately! Music is downloaded faster than ever before. But we have also greatly improved the playlist. With just one click you have all the tracks in your collection at your fingertips and listen to them as often as you want and play them in playlists or download them later when you need them. COMPLETELY REVISED MUSIC MANAGEMENT Do you have a huge music collection with many music styles? The core of the media management was replaced by a completely new, powerful implementation. Even the playback itself is incredibly fast. Every change you make, no matter how many songs it affects, is now instantly visible. With 1,000, 10,000 or even 500,000 songs, this music manager never keeps you waiting! The new music manager shows you all your music from any number of storage devices, always in exact order - all files from your PC, phone, online storage or streaming services. More flexible than ever lets you choose how you want to organize your treasures. Set up almost any rules for folders and file names, and Audials will quickly rebuild your music collection for you. And of course, makes sure that the new files Audials loads for you also follow these rules. ORGANIZING MULTIPLE MUSIC COLLECTIONS Audials 2021 displays all your music titles for listening and placing in playlists, regardless of where they are stored. A new mode divides them by storage location, so you can browse through your various music collections and copy songs from one to another. An unlimited number of collections can be viewed simultaneously and can be shown or hidden at any time. COMPLETELY NEW NAVIGATION Despite the many navigation and customization options, the redesigned toolbar means you'll never get lost in the depths of Audials software. Now the upper left corner of the toolbar always shows you where you are. At the top right you can always type in what you want to listen to - which is immediately displayed when you search for music. BETTER OUTPUT PROFILES Thanks to the many audio profiles it is now easier to select the right output format. For music files, a distinction is made between standard quality formats and lossless high-resolution quality formats. BREATHTAKING EXPERIENCE Discover the new colorful design that matches the website and is easier to use. Find key features faster and more reliable. Immerse yourself in a unique world that you will discover little by little. SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT'S NEW AT AUDIALS MUSIC 2021. START TODAY! MUSIC Store your favorite songs from all music streaming services easily, quickly, legally and in the highest quality. Enjoy your music collection anywhere! LISTENING BOOKS Take audio books fro...

    Preis: 10.80 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £

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  • What is the proof by case distinction?

    Proof by case distinction is a method of proving a statement by considering all possible cases and showing that the statement holds true in each case. This method is often used when a statement has multiple possible conditions or scenarios, and the proof needs to address each one separately. By proving the statement for each case, the overall validity of the statement is established. This method is commonly used in mathematics and logic to demonstrate the correctness of a theorem or proposition.

  • How does a case distinction work in logic?

    A case distinction in logic is a method used to analyze and evaluate different possible scenarios or cases within a given argument or statement. It involves breaking down the argument into separate cases or possibilities, and then examining each case individually to determine its validity or truth. By systematically considering each case, one can identify any inconsistencies or contradictions within the argument and reach a more accurate conclusion. This method helps to ensure a comprehensive analysis of all possible scenarios and strengthens the logical reasoning process.

  • What is the distinction of substances in chemistry?

    In chemistry, substances are classified into two main categories: elements and compounds. Elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means, and they are made up of only one type of atom. Compounds, on the other hand, are substances made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together in fixed ratios. This distinction is important in understanding the composition and behavior of different substances in chemical reactions.

  • Why is a distinction made between humans and animals?

    A distinction is made between humans and animals due to the unique cognitive abilities and complex social structures that humans possess. Humans have the capacity for self-awareness, abstract thought, language, and the ability to create and use tools. Additionally, humans have developed complex societies, cultures, and belief systems that set them apart from other animals. This distinction is often used to justify the moral and ethical considerations given to humans in comparison to animals.

  • Do you make a distinction between favorite and best?

    Yes, I do make a distinction between favorite and best. "Favorite" is subjective and based on personal preference, while "best" is more objective and based on specific criteria or standards. Something can be a personal favorite without necessarily being the best according to certain criteria, and vice versa. For example, a favorite book may not be the best-selling or critically acclaimed book, but it holds a special place in someone's heart.

  • Is a distinction made between "würde" and human dignity?

    Yes, there is a distinction made between "würde" and human dignity in German philosophy and law. "Würde" refers to the inherent worth and value of every human being, while human dignity encompasses the broader concept of the inherent worth and value of all human beings. "Würde" is often seen as the foundation of human dignity, and is protected by laws and ethical principles in Germany. The distinction between the two concepts allows for a deeper understanding and appreciation of the value of every individual.

  • What is the distinction and use of important acids?

    Acids are chemical compounds that release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. Important acids can be categorized into two main groups: mineral acids and organic acids. Mineral acids, such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, are strong acids commonly used in industrial processes and laboratory experiments. Organic acids, such as citric acid and acetic acid, are weaker acids found in nature and used in food preservation, cleaning products, and pharmaceuticals. Both types of acids play crucial roles in various chemical reactions and industrial applications, but they differ in their strength and sources.

  • What is the case distinction for an absolute value inequality?

    In an absolute value inequality, there are two possible cases to consider. The first case is when the expression inside the absolute value is greater than or equal to zero, which leads to a single inequality. The second case is when the expression inside the absolute value is less than zero, which requires flipping the inequality sign when solving. By considering these two cases separately, we can accurately solve absolute value inequalities.

  • Why is the distinction between tradition and remnants so important?

    The distinction between tradition and remnants is important because it helps us understand the significance and relevance of cultural practices. Traditions are actively maintained and passed down through generations, serving as a link to the past and a way to preserve cultural identity. On the other hand, remnants are remnants of past traditions that may have lost their original meaning or significance. By recognizing this distinction, we can better appreciate the value of traditions in shaping our cultural heritage and identity.

  • Is there still a distinction between girls' and boys' hairstyles?

    While traditional gender norms have historically dictated specific hairstyles for girls and boys, there is a growing trend towards breaking away from these distinctions. Many people are embracing gender-neutral hairstyles, allowing individuals to express themselves freely regardless of their gender. However, societal expectations and stereotypes still exist, leading some to adhere to more traditional ideas of girls' and boys' hairstyles. Ultimately, the distinction between girls' and boys' hairstyles is becoming less rigid as society becomes more accepting of diverse expressions of gender identity.

  • What is the inequality where a case distinction is made?

    A case distinction is made in an inequality when the inequality involves different conditions or scenarios. For example, in the inequality x < 5, a case distinction is made between the values of x that are less than 5 and those that are not. This means that the inequality has different outcomes or solutions depending on the value of x, leading to a case distinction.

  • Why is there still a distinction between primary and secondary sources in some schools, even though this distinction is no longer current in history education?

    There is still a distinction between primary and secondary sources in some schools because it helps students understand the difference between sources that provide firsthand accounts and those that interpret or analyze those accounts. This distinction can be useful in teaching critical thinking skills and helping students evaluate the reliability and bias of different sources. While the distinction may not be as rigid in history education today, it still serves as a valuable framework for teaching students how to engage with and analyze historical sources.